Chocolate Chalet at The Watergate Hotel, DC
Affair: Chocolate Chalet at The Watergate Hotel

When: Opening Thursday, February 1, 2018
February 2018
Open Monday - Friday from 5PM - 10PM
Weekends & Valentine's Day extended hours 11AM - 3PM and 5PM - 10PM

Hot Spot: Kingbird Terrace, The Watergate Hotel, Washington, DC

Deets: Welcome to the Chocolate Chalet - Opening February 1st

Located on Kingbird Terrace, the Chocolate Chalet offers warm comfort drinks and chocolate delights.

Featuring such favorites as: Old Fashioned Cake, Hot Chocolate, Bon Bons, Cake Pops, Chocolate Dipped Giant Marshmallows and much more!

In the evenings, the Chalet Mixologist will be serving speciality cocktails with chocolate infused bourbon, vodka and whisky.

Hint For The Average Socialite: Reserve a table now!

What's Trending: @watergatehotel
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