Cheat Day Land, LA


When: Monday, October 1, 2018 - Friday, February 15, 2019

Hot Spot: 2018 E 7th St, Los Angeles, CA

Deets: NICE WORKOUT! It’s Cheat Day.

Where else can you lift donuts? Try on a hamburger dress? Swim in cereal? Climb food?

CHEAT DAY LAND hosts imaginative environments in themes of your favorite foods with plenty of activities for all ages. This pop up experience is a celebration of the foods we all dream about and all deserve after a hard week’s workout!

After visiting Japan this past year, founder and creative director, Rubi Rymenmy noticed how interactive all of the museums were and decided to mix immersive art with all of her favorite “Cheat Day” foods. Her family owns Art Flying Aerial (fitness studio) in Lomita, California and they stick to a clean eating regimen allowing only a special day every so often for cheat food! 

The event will also offer up ideas and suggestions for balancing a healthy lifestyle which still allows for snacking and occasional guilt-free cheating. 

Hint For The Average Socialite: GET A TICKET TODAY!

What's Trending: @CheatDayLand