Average Socialite is a Molekule Partner. All opinions expressed in this post are our own.

Now more than ever, people are spending a tremendous amount of time indoors and in their home. They are living, sleeping, exercising, schooling, playing, and hunkering down inside. But are they thinking about their air quality?

Air purification is reinvented with Molekule’s PECO technology.

Molekule is a new kind of air purifier, working fundamentally different from existing air purifiers. Unlike traditional air purifiers that collect pollutants on a filter, Molekule captures and destroys a wider range of pollutants in the air.

About Molekule’s PECO technology

  • Molekule’s PECO technology destroys the widest range of pollutants compared to traditional/conventional air purifiers.

  • Molekule’s PECO technology destroys pollutants at the molecular level.

  • Molekule air purifiers use breakthrough technology to destroy pollutants. VOCs, bacteria, mold, viruses and allergens are destroyed, providing clean air.

  • Destroy, don’t just collect.

What We Love: We tried out the Molekule Air for large rooms. The design is modern and sleek and fits in easily with our decor. The unit is quieter than AC so it does not disrupt the household at all during day or night. With its touch screen and phone app, the Molekule Air is easy to set up and use.


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